Medical area
Welcome to the Medical Area - where medicine, prevention and wellness come together in innovative ways to maximise your health.
The Medical Area includes our Diagnostics offerings consisting of orthomolecular whole blood analyses and tailored to your needs. We also guarantee the highest quality through our close partnership with the renowned laboratory GanzImmun.
Furthermore, we also offer powerInfusions that strengthen your vitality and supply your body with important nutrients. Our infusion therapies are designed to support your health from the inside out.
Our doctors are experts in orthomolecular therapy and use their expertise to create customised treatment plans tailored to your individual needs. We believe in addressing the underlying causes of health problems to achieve long-term results with greater well-being.

Gemeinsam mit VIVAMAYR bündeln wir unsere Kräfte im Medical Day Spa BIOGENA Plaza in Wien und bringen so das allgemeine Wohlbefinden unserer Gäste auf ein neues Level: Das VIVAMAYR-Ärzteteam ist dafür zu speziellen Terminen regelmäßig in der BIOGENA Plaza in Wien vertreten. Mit diesem Konzept möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, dass Sie jederzeit eine kleine Gesundheitsauszeit nehmen können.

Seit rund einem Jahr finden Sie unseren Partner VIVAMAYR in the BIOGENA PLAZA Medical Area in Vienna. This collaboration allows us to create synergies by combining two medical concepts.
The VIVAMAYR Health Concept is a combination of traditional diagnostics and therapy according to Dr. F. X. Mayr and the most modern complementary medicine methods - with the intestine at the centre of health.
With the location in Vienna, there is now the possibility of carrying out individual aspects of the famous VIVAMAYR cure in our BIOGENA PLAZA.