BIOGENA PLAZA Koppl near Salzburg

BIOGENA PLAZA Koppl near Salzburg

Wolfgangseestraße 27, A-5023 Koppl, Austria
[email protected]
+43 662 231111 5900

Opening hours

BIOGENA store: Monday-Tuesday 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Wednesday-Thursday 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM, Friday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
BIOGENA-Biohacking-Area: Termine nur nach online Terminvereinbarung (Montag und Dienstag: 7.30–15.30 Uhr, Mittwoch und Donnerstag: 10.30–18.30 Uhr, Freitag: 7.30–13.30 Uhr)
BIOGENA Medical Area: by online appointment

We look forward to seeing you!

Your health and well-being are in your own hands. Take the first step now and book an appointment at the BIOGENA PLAZA Koppl near Salzburg

Appointment booking