What is biohacking?
Biohacking means optimising one's own physical and mental performance, often through the support of technology. The aim is to make conscious changes to improve general well-being, health and cognitive functions and to stay fit.
Biohacking often involves the use of technological tools such as breathing masks, fitness trackers, special glasses and many other measuring devices. These provide insights to understand the body in order to improve it or make it more efficient.
The definition of biohacking in the broadest sense is to get to know your body and understand it so well that you can optimise it. It doesn't always take cutting-edge technologies for self-optimisation. Common methods include exercise, alternating showers, relaxation exercises, concentration exercises and methods to sleep better.

Biohacking offers in the BIOGENA PLAZA
With us you have the choice of state-of-the-art biohacking offers: Cryo-treatments in the cold chambers, bone density measurements using modern ultrasound equipment and Metabolic Air® metabolic training (IHHT) using high-tech MITOVIT® hypoxic training equipment. Nutzen Sie vielseitige Techniken und Methoden, um Einfluss auf die eigene Biologie zu nehmen und so das persönliche Gesundheits- und Leistungspotenzial zu maximieren. Mit den BIOGENA Biohacking-Treatments unterstützen Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden aktiv, mit dem Ziel eines erfüllten, gesunden Lebens und maximaler Lebensqualität, eben „Unlock your Best“.

Cryo Treatment
Kryo Treatments werden für 3 Minuten in einer -110 Grad Kältekammer durchgeführt, in angenehmer Atmosphäre bei Ihrer Lieblingsmusik und in Bewegung. Auch als Therapieform bekannt im Spitzensport für die Regeneration und in Kureinrichtungen für Prävention und Therapie, unterstützt die Kältesauna auch Beauty-Behandlungen bzw den generellen Longevity-Faktor. In den BIOGENA PLAZAS wird das Kryo Treatment über unkomplizierte Online-Terminbuchung & komfortable Öffnungszeiten zugänglich – idealerweise noch bevor eine Krankheit oder Beschwerden eintreten bzw. komplementär in Akutsituationen. Kältekammern versprechen studienbasiert u.a. erhöhte Muskeldurchblutung, Aktivierung des Zell-Stoffwechsels, Schmerzlinderung und die Verbesserung des Hautbildes.

Bone density measurement
During Bone density measurement at BIOGENA PLAZA, the bones are exposed to waves above the hearing frequency range by means of a state-of-the-art ultrasound device. In comparison to other methods, the body is not exposed to radiation and the result is available immediately after the measurement. A bone density measurement serves as a preventive examination for bone diseases and is recommended for people of all ages. People are not only at risk of osteoporosis in old age, because 40% of osteoporosis-related bone fractures occur in people of working age. Therefore, take the chance and book your appointment!

Metabolic Air® metabolic training (IHHT)
We offer you the most modern form of oxygen therapy (Metabolic Air® metabolic training (IHHT)) using the high-tech MITOVIT® hypoxic training device, which was developed and produced in Germany. This enables us to offer various oxygen therapies:
- Interval Hypoxia-Normoxia
- Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia
- Adaptive hyperoxia
- Integrated real-time heart rate variability measurement
- Biofeedback control

Red Light Treatment
Our mitochondria, the biological batteries of our cells, can be recharged by red and near-infrared light - whether from the natural sun or from special devices such as our HigherQI. The energy that powers our cells (ATP) plays a crucial role in all bodily processes. Low ATP levels can lead to fatigue and depression, while higher levels promote feelings of happiness and increased productivity. Discover the transformative power of the Red Light Treatments and book your appointment.

Powerhouse Training
The pelvic floor, as the central powerhouse of the body, plays a crucial role in vital functions such as breathing, urinary function, sexual life and the nervous system. Through Powerhouse Training we not only support the external muscles, but also strengthen the internal structures that are essential for a healthy and balanced life. Activate your deep muscles and book your appointment.

Lymphatic drainage & compression training
The Lymphmassage with the BOA Max 2 offers a convenient, simple and yet very effective way to stimulate lymphatic flow and thus reduce cellulite and unwanted love handles while improving tissue regeneration and detoxification. Benefit from the advantages of lymphatic drainage and book your appointment.

EMP body styling & muscle training (ARMSTRONG®)
The EMP body styling & muscle training with the ARMSTRONG® is compatible with everyday life and is performed while lying down and enables the muscle tissue of the arms, abdomen, legs or bottom to be stimulated. Enjoy the many benefits of EMP body styling & muscle training with the ARMSTRONG® and book your appointment.

PEMF Treatment (Magnetfeld Grounding)
The PEMF-Treatment relies on the application of pulsating magnetic fields at different frequencies. This non-invasive method aims to influence the body's own energy flow and thus promote the regeneration of cells and tissues. Benefit from the many health advantages and book your appointment.
Biohacking is changing your lifestyle and using technology and science to improve your body and mind. Biohacking techniques include smart biohacking devices, better nutrition and exercise to improve your wellbeing.
Biohacks can be methods that can be easily integrated into everyday life such as exercise and sport, alternating showers, relaxation and concentration exercises as well as methods to help you sleep better. Biohacks also include applications such as cryo cold saunas or hypoxia oxygen training.
It is advisable to consult medical professionals and experts before trying biohacking practices that may have potential health effects. Especially do-it-yourself biology or experimental practices can carry risk. At BIOGENA PLAZA, trained medical staff is always at your side.
Cryogenic cold chambers, ultrasound devices for bone measurement and MITOVIT® hypoxic training devices.